Build a Personal Brand | Rhonda Swan presents in Dubai

To be successful, you need to build a personal brand that distinguish you from others.

In this video, my friend Rhonda Swan shares her story of how and why it is important to build a personal brand to do business on the internet.

I met Rhonda at a conference in Arizona back in circa 2014. I immediately had respect for her. She had confidence and was in control. Even way back then she had the “brand” of UNSTOPPABLE and still today she has stuck firmly with that brand.

Rhonda IS the “Unstoppable Momma”

The one simple thing I learned from Rhonda was to establish a BRAND that people will remember, so I have branded “MagicBrad” and it seems to stick. The MAGIC part comes from my interest in magic as a kid. When I was young (4-5 years old) I found an internet in magic and it stuck with me. After I graduated high school in 1975 from Fridley, MN I became a professional magician.

I did take on a “job” working for Anoka County Parks and Recreation for about 3 years, got layed-off and learned early that a traditional job is risky and out of my personal control. So, I opted to become self-employed and have been since.

I created the Synergy Collaborative as a way for others to experience the FREEDOM of being in control of their own life destiny. It’s for the entrepreneurial person that wants to create their own income without a ceiling, and create their own time-freedom without being a slave to the clock.

Is that YOU?

Western Capitalism | Is it good for the world?

Do you think Western Capitalism is out of hand?

There are people who do not like Western Capitalism yet the financial strength of the United States is what allows them to have a better life.

How much money is TOO MUCH MONEY in your opinion?

Our friend Anthony Signorelli has written a book on the subject. (Available on Amazon)

The Great Mechanism: The Power Behind the Relentless Juggernaut of Western Capitalism

Do you want to know why the world can’t stop destroying itself? Ever wonder why corporations act the way they do? Are you curious about how the hidden laws of motion within capitalism shape our world?

Is this book for you?

  • Readers will discover the drivers of capitalism’s relentless inevitability, how and why it expands everywhere all the time, and how it forms our perceptions of reality.
  • Readers will learn how corporate structures and the hierarchy of offices embody the intrinsic laws of motion, changing both the world and the people who occupy those offices.
  • Readers will know exactly what is going to be disrupted by postcapitalism as it appears, and they will be prepared for understanding the changes as they occur.

This is a short but powerful read. The insights are eye opening, and the set the stage for understanding our shared future.



Anthony is a member of the Synergy Lifestyle Academy.

What is the Synergy Lifestyle Academy?

Join the Synergy Collaborative – CLICK HERE

Blue Harbor Center for the Arts | St. Paul, MN

My friend Anthony Signorelli, has a place over in St. Paul, MN called the Blue Harbor Center for the Arts that supports artists and writers and others with a desire, passion and will to make the world a better place.

Are you looking for a community of like-minded people to shares your gifts, talents and projects with? Then perhaps Blue Harbor Center for the Arts is a place for you?

The community of the Blue Harbor Center for the Arts is are committed to living at the edge of adventure. The harbor is a safe space to think differently, yet the big blue water outside the harbor wall beckons the adventurer out onto the open sea. That’s the feeling of Blue Harbor Center for the Arts. It is also the feeling of every dreamer, every artist, every entrepreneur who dared to engage his or her own work.


In addition to the work at Blue Harbor, Anthony has written multiple books and is working on a very inspiring project supporting men.

Anthony is a member of the Synergy Collaborative and the Synergy Lifestyle Academy.

What is the Synergy Lifestyle Academy?

Join the Synergy Collaborative – CLICK HERE


Learn more about…


Video Marketing | The Most Effective Method #AskMagicBrad

Without a doubt, VIDEO marketing is the closest to being in-person as it gets these days.

Today the internet is flooded with text, text and more text. Tons of words to read and not enough time in the day to read them all. If a picture is worth a 1000 words then a VIDEO must be worth a MILLION.

EXAMPLE: VideoMakerFX is a software that makes sales videos.

Watch the video to learn about the VideoMakerFX software.

Social video marketing is a component of an integrated marketing communications plan designed to increase audience engagement through social activity around a given video.

The VideoMakerFX Software is only $37 – BUY NOW!


5 TIPS for effective Video Marketing:

1. Center it Around the Story, Not The Sale

2. Make it the Best 10 Seconds Ever

3. Lighten Up. Stop Being So Boring!

4. Optimize for Search – Tag it Up

5. Educate & Prove Yourself


ENTREPRENEURIAL IDEA for YOU! Open your mind… With this VideoMakerFX software, you could start a small business making marketing videos for other businesses. Use your creativity to make the videos and sell them for $50, $100 maybe a $1,000 bucks!

You’ve just created your own Video Marketing Creative Agency.


I hope this basic information helps you with your video marketing and/or encourages you to start using VideoMakerRX for making your videos for your business.


As always, if you have any questions, concerns, ideas or opportunities, feel free to contact me.


These three (3) things make a GOOD Public Speaker Stand Out @OdettePeek

What’s the difference between a good public speaker and a FANTASTIC public speaker?

One that moves, motivates and compels the audience into action!

My friend Odette Peek can show you how to be a FANTASTIC speaker!

Join her online Aug. 13 – 17 for her Free Speak Up! 5 Day Challenge

Learn how to create a talk with EXACTLY what to say…and what NOT to say

How to have that WOW effect that creates a deep CONNECTION with your audience and CONVERTS them into paying clients

Her client Roz did her first event with these strategies and made $11,000 on the spot!

What can the Free Challenge do for you?…

craft your “everyone wants to hear” Signature Talk

step you through exactly what you need to do and have to get gigs

show you how you can inject extra income into your business

Join the Free SpeakUP 5-Day Challenge. She starts Monday, Aug. 13!

Don’t miss it!

Click HERE for more DETAILS and to REGISTER!

That’s all for now,

Be well!


Join Us

PS: The Synergy Collaborative helps speakers and presenters reach their ideal targeted audience. Whether you are looking to get more private clients or want to get into the professional speaking world in front of corporations, we are here to help.

Looking for corporate speaking gigs??

TIP: Look into MPI. Google KeyWord “Meeting Professionals International” and you will be enlightened.

What is Entrepreneurship when it comes to Our Youth in Minneapolis?

What is Entrepreneurship when it comes to Our Youth in Minneapolis? The question of what is entrepreneurship seems like a simple one. But entrepreneurship goes much deeper than the simple question of what is entrepreneurship does.

When ever I see young people create businesses and provide their own source of income, rather than going to work for someone else, I have immediate respect for them.

This kid started his own hotdog stand to make money to buy his own clothes for school.  The experience he will gain from running this business will go far beyond just school clothes. He will learn so much about integrity, Customer Service, respect, and how to have a positive mindset to grow his business empire.

When you are cruising through North Minneapolis in Minnesota, and have an urge for something to eat, you should seriously consider visiting this young gentleman and supporting his business ventures.  He is paving the way for others to follow his lead and create their own reality and build their own lifestyle by design.

From his front yard this 13-year-old secured a summer job to earn his own money.  He is even leveraging social media and getting customers from Facebook.  He believes it is good to start young and grow.

What are you doing to free yourself from a 9-to-5 job? Or do you even have an interest in creating your own lifestyle? Entrepreneurship is not cut out for everyone. It requires discipline and dedication and perseverance. In today’s world, there are so many opportunities, that it is actually overwhelming. Granted there are a lot of scam opportunities online, but there are many legitimate ways to earn money online also. I encourage anyone that has an interest in expanding their personal growth to look into starting and online income of some sort. At least some sort of side hustle in addition to their 9 to 5 job so they can get a feel of what it is like being self-employed and in charge of their own destiny.

You can visit his stand in Minneapolis located at 1510 Penn Ave North

I support anyone that wants to create their own income with self-employment.

Let’s Connect!



Why MagicBrad uses GetResponse for Automation and List Building

If you have been in the online marketing world for almost any length of time, and have been learning about how to make money online, then you have more than likely heard the phrase… “The Money is in the List”. List Building is one of the skills that everyone will need to learn to earn.

Building a list (or database) of leads, prospects and customers is a key element in any business venture.

If you have been following me for a while, you know I like to use analogies to explain seemingly complex technologies. I often use a Nature Analogy of Plant Seeds (leads), Nurture Plants (relationship), Harvest Fruit (money).

You will never “Harvest the Fruits of your Labor” (make money) until you “Plants Seeds in a Fertile Garden” (leads). And before the seeds will begin to grow, you need to “Nurture them until they sprout plants” (relationship).

LANDING PAGES are the pieces of Internet Real Estate that gather the seeds (leads) that are planted.

AUTOMATION features offer the ability to create Time Freedom.

TRACKING STATS to check the efficacy of your marketing.

What I like about GetResponse (see banner below) is it has plenty of features that can be used in the 3 key elements of making money online.

  1. Lead Generation (Landing Pages, Opt-In Forms, Database, etc.)
  2. Relationship Building (Video Embed Features)
  3. Sales Processing (PayPal Buttons)



As always, if you ever have any questions about how to live the Internet Lifestyle, you can contact me from the contact page on this website.

Let’s Connect!