How to Write a Book…

Do you know WHY you should know HOW to write a book if you are in business?

When you write a book, it gives you almost immediate credibility.

What you do is write about whatever you are passionate about. Having a target topic of your personal passion will attract the ideal target audience for you. Good writing is always about something. Write the argument of your book in a sentence, then stretch that out to a paragraph, and then to a one-page outline. After that, write a table of contents to help guide you as you write, then break each chapter into a few sections.

If you think about your book as competing for precious reader-eyeball-hours, it looks equally idiotic. More books, fewer sales means that publishers have less money to spend on marketing to try to reach those increasingly rare reader-eyeball-hour resources. Less help from the publisher means that the author has to do more and more herself. So you not only have to write the book, you also have to figure out how to sell it.

Forgive me if you’ve already taken any of these steps, but here is what I believe you should be doing:
  1. Do not pursue publishing. …
  2. Seriously, don’t pursue publishing. …
  3. Read my posts about writing memoir. …
  4. Begin immediately writing down your story. …
  5. Meanwhile, create a reading plan for yourself. …
  6. Begin to craft your book.

Where to get your book published.

If you have any questions about how to create an income online, feel free to contact me.

Let’s Connect!


What is Article Marketing?


TIP: Working together, and collaborating, is so very much easier than competing to climb to the top.

Brian Kelley #AllAboutFamily | Creating and Encouraging Young Minneapolis Entrepreneurs

What is it like to be Minneapolis Entrepreneurs as youth?

In this SynergyCafe interview, I talk with my Minneapolis Entrepreneurs friend, Brain Kelley.

NOTE: This video was done when I was living in Asheville, North Carolina. (I’m back living in my home-town of Minneapolis, MN)

Brian is the founder of All About Family. All About Family originally started as a way for Dads and Kids to spend quality time together. We originally named the group Dads and Kids – Kids and Dads. We expanded to include entire families and anyone else interested in participating in community activities. All About Family offers parents, guardians and community members an opportunity to build community together while participating in an activity where no or very minimal cost is involved. People from a broad range of ethnic backgrounds attend our group and our events have always been very friendly and positive.



NOTE: The Synergy Cafe show is part of the Synergy Collaborative and the Synergy Lifestyle Academy.

What are the Benefits of being a Faculty Member?

What is Entrepreneurship when it comes to Our Youth in Minneapolis?

Natural Born Coaches with Marc Mawhinney @marcmawhinney

Natural Born Coaches are born and then made better.

In this SynergyCafe interview, I speak with Marc Mawhinney of Natural Born Coaches.

After a decade of success in his past life (real estate,) Marc went through business closure and challenges that would have caused most to give up.

How did he get back on track?
With the help of coaches!

After years of being a lone wolf, and being proud of “going it alone,” he experienced the power of coaching first-hand, and it really made a difference. So when he was ready to go back into business, he knew that he wanted to be a coach. He wanted to help others like he had been helped.

He dove in and became a coach, and discovered what every new coach learns when he gets into this business … it’s not easy! So when he finally got it rolling, he knew that he didn’t want other coaches to go through the same growing pains that he did.

You see, there are a lot of people who would make great coaches, who never get the opportunity because they can’t get clients through the door. If they give up, it’s not just them that lose out, but all of the people who they could have helped if they were only able to connect with them. And that’s a shame.

So that’s why he launched “Natural Born Coaches,”, a podcast to help coaches with their businesses. Marc has done almost 500 episodes of the podcast over the last few years, and he’s talked with well over 1000 coaches every year (on-air and off-air) and he works with a lot of coaches as his clients. This has given him a unique skill for helping coaches grow their businesses.

If you’d like to grow your coaching business, then click below to see how Marc helps people do it.


If you would like to me interviewed on SynergyCafe go to MagicBradTV to book your interview.

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How to Magnetically Attract Your Ideal Audience with Sunil Bhaskaran

How to Attract Your Ideal Audience is an art and requires skills.

Today on Synergy Cafe I speak with Sunil Bhaskaran, about his vision of creating 100,000,000 entrepreneurs Attract Your Ideal Audience.

Sunil has developed a very interesting “Attraction Marketing” process and strategy for entrepreneurs to organically build and grow an audience of ideal clients and customers. Rather than paying for advertising on the major internet platforms like Facebook and Google, he has built a collaborative blend using LinkedIn and MeetUp to grow authentic business connections, both with online webinars and live in-person meetings, conventions and MeetUps.

Below, I have included a LINK to get access to Sunil’s complimentary training to learn the basics of this strategy.

What you will get in the Free Training

1. How to build an audience – the steps.
2. Building a HUGE webinar audience via Meetup.
3. Why Meetup will help you build your speaking career? (It is not what you think – but bigger)
4. Creating ‘Collaborative Wolfpacks’ with others to dominate a target market.
5. Why you can get more business from Google Traffic by using Meetup?
6. How to position yourself as a Confluence God or Goddess?
7. How to fill your workshops using meetup?
8. How to get nuclear power in your marketing – Combine Meetup and Linkedin?
9. How to attract high level connectors and collaborative partners if not clients to you?
10. How to build a lower cost marketing engine that feeds your business?
11. How to build collaborations along with an audience?
12. Using Meetup to travel and do business.
13. A very important reason for building an audience that most people are ignorant of.
14. Opportunities for working inside of this system especially as a client.
15. Why is what I teach unique and powerful for you?
16. A better way to market than what is available now?
17. Four Superior innovations we have that nobody else in the world is doing today in marketing.


When you are ready to learn about living the Internet Lifestyle and synergistically creating time for you to spend living your life that way you want it, you can download my eBOOK, compliments of…. ME #AskMagicBrad

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✨DogWalkDaily✨ with #MagicBrad 🌴 Costa Rica UpDate 🦋 LYFT Driver Online Income

Being a Lyft Driver and Magician and Dog Walker and Entreprenuer can make for a fulfilling lifestyle.

When was the last time you got paid to drive around the city? I live here in Minneapolis Minnesota, and have for most of my life. I am currently 61 years old and I am still going strong like the Everready Bunny.

Granted, driving for Lyft does not make me the big bucks, but it is about the easiest thing I have ever done in my life.  You simply turn on the app, and wait for a ping pick up signal, and then go to the location and pick up your rider. Then you just drive them to their destination, and drop them off.

The money goes right directly into your bank account, and you can spend it on the things in life that make you happy.  I of course have many other occupations that our revenue streams for me. Four example my magical entertainment, my coaster Rica project, the synergy collaborative, MD synergy lifestyle academy.  Having multiple streams of income creates the financial security that most people desire. Many of my income streams are based on recurring monthly income to exceed my monthly bills and expenses.

I driving for Lyft and being a Lyft Driver, I can take my mind off other things, so it is like a therapy for me.  As soon as you take it too serious, it becomes a job and is no longer worth the money.

When you are ready to learn to live the Internet lifestyle and make money while you sleep, you can contact me from our contact page here.

Let’s Connect!


Costa Rica VIDEOS for your watching pleasure

These Costa Rica videos will help you with inspiration and to get a better idea of what Costa Rica has to offer you.

Click any of the links below to WATCH VIDEO

DESTINATION: Costa Rica | Travel, Events, Tours and More
Internet lifestyle Freedom (Time, Location and Money) from Costa Rica
#AskMagicBrad Costa Rica Photo Retreat
Chiropractic in the United States and Beyond (Costa Rica, Bali, Africa)
Costa Rica Nature Photographer David Fulton
Casa Cusinga Costa Rica Home for Rent
#AskMagicBrad The Magic of Costa Rica
#AskMagicBrad Costa Rica wildlife near Osa Peninsula –
DESTINATION: Costa Rica with MagicBrad
Minneapolis Retreat to Costa Rica #PuraVida
Buying Real Estate in Costa Rica the BASICS
Teal Swan Retreat Center in Costa Rica
Yoga Retreats from Minneapolis to Costa Rica with #MagicBrad
Costa Rica Retreats at Las Villas de San Buenas


We (select members of the Synergy Collaborative) are working on a project in Costa Rica on 150 acres in the southern Osa region.

Our Costa Rica project has a variety of opportunities for a variety of people. Perhaps you are at retirement age and what to invest in a property in Costa Rica. We can help. Maybe you are interested in developing your own community in a Costa Rica jungle. We can help. Or you want to vacation and need a place to stay. We can help there too. Some of our collaborators operate Yoga Studios and need places to host their Yoga Retreat, classes and trainings.

Would you like to vacation, retreat or live in Costa Rica?

Let’s Connect!


Get my FREE eBOOK at


Costa Rica Business Masterminds are becoming the Work Vacation for Entrepreneurs

Looking for a Costa Rica Business Mastermind?

As I learn more and more about Costa Rica, I am finding that there is a big attraction to the authentic Costa Rica experience.

Part of the reason I have chosen Costa Rica as a destination for our collaborative event center, is that it is more in my time zone of the United States.

Originally, my idea was to build in Bali Indonesia, however the flight to Indonesia is a long haul from my home town on Minneapolis, MN. So, since meeting my friend Nick and learning that he had 150 acres of land for development, I have chosen Costa Rica for this project.

As I learn more about Costa Rica I am finding other entrepreneurs that have settled there, such as Arne Rantzen, the founder of  Ultimate Breath and the Creative Question Cards.

Although, we will be hosting business events, our core value is a holistic approach and a collaborative mindset.  The old paradigm of business was to compete and conquer.  With the openness and transparency of the Internet, this old business model is no longer effective.

The new paradigm of business growth will come from synergistic cooperation and collaboration. This is more of a nurturing “feminine energy” approach. The reason I established the synergy collaborative was that my personal belief is that a rising tide lifts all boats,  and together we can accomplish more.

If you have an interest in Costa Rica, and would like to get involved with our collaborative project, please contact me from the link below.

Also, if you have a desire to live the Internet Lifestyle and experience more Time-Freedom, you can contact me for that as well. SEE:

Pura Vida!

Contact me HERE

PS: I have an offer for a 21 Step Course.