#SomethingBIGisComing – Affiliate Marketing gets a FACEbook Lyft in the Travel Industry

Is Affiliate Marketing the Secret Sauce?


This will be refreshing to see.

Finally, someone that wants to help others, and will actually help others. (It’s often BS talk)
It usually goes the other way, where “leaders” have had success with a specific program or company, and then “share their secret” for a fee.
I’ve always been puzzled as to why someone would “teach others for a fee” rather than just continue to earn from the business or company they are already representing. ESPECIALLY when there are multiple tiers/levels, like in Multi-Level Marketing, where the leader earns residuals from the results of their “downline”.
In the MLMs I’ve tried (I’ve only tried a few), I recall, the excitement and passion that my sponsors had BEFORE I signed on. They were all passionate and excited to help me succeed. They told me… “You are in business for yourself, but not by yourself.” over and over. Then AFTER I signed, they seemed to fade away. This was not totally the fault of the disingenuous Upline Leaders, but also the fault of the BROKEN Network Marketing Industry Model (IMO).
The problem with the “Old Model” Network Marketing methods is they are “linear”, and can not be built using the internet, because the internet is not linear. The internet grows OMNI-directional.
The internet grows FAST. It spreads so fast and rapidly, that we can not keep up and we lose our authentic connection with our affiliates. (There is a better way, and I am developing it.)
Why not simply help your downline affiliate succeed, and be content with the residual commissions from your downline affiliates success??
The online coaching and affiliate world has been tarnished and contaminated by those “Bait and Switch” type tactics.
Let’s put an end to the greed and gluttony.
When someone joins my team, I help them succeed for FREE and am grateful for the residuals that RESULT from their $UCCE$$.
As always, if you need clarification or have questions, please contact me.
Event-fully Yours,
BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM


MagicBrad Presents on Robert Kiyosaki’s Cash Flow Quadrant

I am hoping you have heard of the Cash Flow Quadrant.

The Cash Flow Quadrant will help you understand why you might be living paycheck to paycheck.

MagicBrad Presents on Robert Kiyosaki’s Cash Flow Quadrant and the areas of the Employee, the Self-Employed, the Business Owner and the Investor. (Get more Business Education with the 21 Steps Course)


Have you heard of the CASH FLOW QUADRANT?

The Cash Flow Quadrant was popularized by Robert Kiosaki, author of the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. The quadrant covers 4 levels of occupation starting with the Employee, then the Self-Employed, then the Business Owner and finally the Investor.

I’ve gone through, and re-visit all of these phases occasionally.

Each quadrant offers a different lifestyle of time freedom, and each quadrant requires a unique mindset. The Employee is content, with working for an hourly wage and climbing the ladder of success.

The Self-Employed person, has a desire for building their own dream and is willing to give up the security of a regular paycheck, to be in more control of income growth.

The Business Owner has more ambitious goals and is ok with hiring (and firing) employees, managing people, maintenance of equipment, and merchandise and the plethora of other tasks involved. Owning your own business can be financially rewarding but comes with a lot of responsibility and stress.

The Investor is a person that understands leverage, compounding and scaling. They use their time, money and energy to create more time money and energy with systems and processes. This can create that “passive income” that so many people desire, but do not have the mindset for.

Each of these areas of the Cash Flow Quadrant require a unique mindset and different elements of education and knowledge. There really is no simple path to independent wealth but there is a “first step” that leads to many more steps along the path of wealth creation and financial freedom.

I’ve recently become more interested in these 4 phases of lifestyle occupation, so I will be creating some more video content on MagicBradTV on my interpretation of each quadrant and how and where I have experienced them in my occupation of time and energy.

Perhaps my experience will be of service to you on your lifestyle path.

As always… feel free to connect with me on my plethora
of “Social Media Real Estate”. (Just Google keyword “MagicBrad”)

OR… let’s connect in-person or grab a “virtual coffee”
at “My Synergy Cafe” (search it on Facebook)

Event-fully Yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM

SynergyCafe with Dorothy Kuhn on Leadership @realDorothyKuhn

Leadership is a trait that all large corporations have.

Learning how to earn a role in leadership for a business large of small is a wise move.

GUEST: Dorothy Kuhn



HOST: Brad Gudim



SEE: SynergyCollaborative.com


Author Dorothy Kuhn, former ‘geekess’, used her skills to learn to relax, get funny and get the results she’d dreamed to achieve. She’s the author of Automating Systems Engineering, Lessons Learned as an industry author, and co-author of two industry standards* in systems engineering and other industry papers. She’s co-authored empowerment titles including Women Innovators: Leaders, Makers and Givers and Voyage to Your Vision. * Industry standards in Systems Engineering published by Carnegie Mellon University in conjunction with the U. S. Department of Defense. Click here to book Dorothy today! It’s a disservice to let your team or your tribe walk away without securing the benefit of the future they can have because of you. Give them what they need to say “YES!” and standout to lead. Dorothy speaks for rooms of 50 to 500 executives, professionals, entrepreneurs, or community leaders. She’s a guest expert on TV, international radio, and podcasts. Dorothy helps the driven career woman who wants to achieve prestige in her career, without sacrificing her home life or integrity.”

Expended Concept RELATIONSHIP Dianne Collins QuantumThink @diannecollins

QuantumThink is a new paradigm of thinking style.

Learning to QuantumThink can easily give you a mindset shift to be learning from a whole new perspective.

Dianne Collins says…

“It takes ONE to Tango in a #RELATIONSHIP”.

WEBSITE: http://www.DianneCollins.com 

Dianne Collins and Alan Collins have been partners in life and in business for more than 20 years. They consult leaders and senior executives in the world’s leading corporations to go beyond hidden limits of their thinking – accelerating results and catapulting nonlinear achievements. They have presented Strategic QuantumThink® Consulting and unique QuantumThink coaching programs via teleconference to thousands of people worldwide, from every walk of life. Clients have included Accenture, AT&T, CNN, DuPont, Morgan Stanley, McKinsey, and Telstra; agencies of the USA government including National Partnership for Reinventing Government under Vice President Al Gore, Federal Executive Institute, Office of Personnel Management, and Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense; as well as entrepreneurs and politicos, homemakers and students, celebrities and evolutionaries worldwide.

Spiritual Growth Books: Top 10 with Josie Grouse – Angelic Messenger and Spirit Medium @JosieGrouse


How to use Google HangOuts

Learning how to use Google HangOuts might be one of the best things you do to get closer to the people you want to connect with online.

Do you want the next best thing to being live in-person? It’s how to use Google HangOuts for online relationship building.

In this video he shows you and your family how to use Google Hangouts on Google+ to connect with friends, family, co-workers and people from around the world. This easy step-by-step tutorial (or how-to) easily demonstrates how someone with a computer, Internet connection, webcam and microphone can start talking with millions of people around the world.

I personally feel that currently VIDEO is the best way to become known liked and trusted on the internet. It’s the closest medium we have until the techies make the StarTrek HoloDeck available.

It is highly suggested that Synergy Collaborative members learn to get familiar and comfortable with being on video.