Costa Rica Retreats for Health, Wellness and Wealth

When it comes to retreat centers, Costa Rica is a plentiful location for options.

Depending on the type of retreat that you are organizing or want to attend, you can depend on Costa Rica as being a wonderful retreat location.

The types of retreats range from meditation retreats to a basic health retreat or perhaps you are seaching for a more specific retreat experience such as a weight loss retreat.

There are also the mindfulness retreats or retreat events in general.

Perhaps you are a teacher of yoga and want to expand and up level your training you could go on a yoga teacher retreat.

Or if you are seeking direction there are life coaching retreats that can help you get back on track.

If you are looking to increase your financial wealth then i have a project that may be of significant interest.

My Costa Rica Project may be the perfect opportunity for you.



Minnesota Event Planning Companies gather in Fridley, MN

I grew up in Fridley Minnesota. I actually spent the first 53 years of my life in the same house in Fridley. And now, I bought a house in Fridley and I am back living in Fridley Minnesota.

So then, why do I say that Minnesota Event Planners will gather in Fridley Minnesota?


I have chosen a event venue here in Fridley, to host the Minnesota Event Planners and Suppliers Expo. I originally started this tradeshow for the event industry at International Market Square in 1991. This was a long time ago. Way before Covid, and actually before the Internet was popular.

Fridley is located just north of interstate 694. Very close to Minneapolis.


SPECIAL NOTE: Exhibit space at the Minnesota Event Expo is complementary to Synergy Collaborative Members.


With your membership in the Synergy Collaborative, you are eligible for complementary exhibit space, in addition to your 24 seven 365 online digital marketing benefits

Business/Life Coach in the Twin Cities

Why would anybody pay money to a coach? (Or a consultant)

Of course, this question is asked all the time. People wonder why should I spend money to hear from a coach, when I can just Google the information or watch YouTube videos?

The short answer is, Google and YouTube don’t ask questions. Well, at least they don’t ask the right questions. A coach or consultant can listen to what you are wanting to accomplish, and can observe the challenges, and “help” reveal the solution to you, through a learned questioning process.

The reason, that I put the word “help” in quotation marks, is because the coach or consultant does not have the answer. The answer is actually within yourself. The coach knows how to ask you the right questions so that the answer will be revealed within your own awareness or consciousness.

A good coach, knows how to ask the right questions and how to structure those questions so that it brings out that answer to bring you enlightenment.

I have a bit of a struggle with the plethora of self proclaimed coaches that are on the Internet these days. The mass majority of these self proclaimed coaches, have little to no training, and just call themselves a coach, so they can earn a living claiming to help people.

There are business coaches, career coaches, financial coaches, relationship coaches, health and wellness coaches, and spiritual coaches. Blah, blah, blah, blah — blah. DO YOUR RESEARCH.

Back in earlier days, there used to be certification for coaches, and people could depend on getting some quality assistance.

Nowadays, there are self proclaimed coaches and consultants, that create their own certification course, so they can grow their team of underlings.

My bottom line comment is do your due diligence, and be very, very, very picky as to who you select to be your coach.

How the Economic Machine works by Ray Dalio

How the economy works is actually pretty simple, however most people get a little confused and do not even know it.

in the video below, Ray Dalio explains it in detail.

Why is this?

It was designed that way.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: By the way, I need to let you know that there are affiliate links in and around this website that are my affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you are to purchase anything from my affiliate link. This is how I make money on the Internet.

Law of Attraction and the Abraham Hicks teaching

Do you believe that we create our own reality? Or do you believe that our lives are fate, and we are destined to be what the highest high as planned for us?

If you study metaphysics, and examine what is going on when you focus on a specific thought, it is possible and also probable that the things you think about are going to surround your physical experience.

The BIG LIE of the Hustle and Grind philosophy

Who actually believes that it is necessary to hustle and grind your way to success?

The self proclaimed gurus and leaders will have you believe that it takes massive action to become successful.

Why do they (really) teach this?

In my opinion, the reason that these self proclaimed leaders preach this hustle and grind philosophy, is they can then put 100% of the failure on your shoulders. They can claim that you did not take enough action, work hard enough, grind away every hour of your life to become successful.

They are also using their followers, to push their self-serving agenda, which is promoting their brand! They are taking advantage of the young ambitious wanna be millionaires.

This is the old method of linear thinking, where there is a leader and a follower.

The new method is about collaborative creation and omnidirectional organic relationship based focus.

In my opinion, you can create miracles with only seven people. However, these seven people need to all be on the exact same page and within perfect alignment of the goal or objective.

then, there simply needs to be constant action taken. Not massive action, but very passive simple actions need to be taken. A little of some thing each day from every individual in the organization, well move mountains.

A river does not hustle and grind to flow, it simply flows.

Grass does not hustle and grind to grow, it just grows.

Weapons of War is what they are calling them now.

This is the new phrase that the media is using to manipulate the citizens of the United States of America.

Weapons of War is what they are calling the guns that they shooters are using.

let’s all realize that if they are to get rid of these “weapons of war”, that these shooters will it resort to other methods to do their violent crimes.

Perhaps they will turn to backpacks with bombs, or flamethrowers or Molotov cocktails.

When a lunatic criminal has an agenda, they are on a mission, and they will find the resources to fulfill their agenda.

adding more laws to something that is already illegal, will not make it less frequent. Also removing these weapons of war or guns as many people call them, well only turn the mentally ill crazy people towards a new weapon of war. .