Me Too Movement | Consent and #MeToo

The Me Too Movement has attracted media attention, triggered emotions, exposed.

Has the Me Too Movement made a positive difference in people lives?

My friend Antohny Signorelli wrote this article and is taking action to make a positive change.

Consent and #MeToo

I was sitting in a seminar the other night when woman spoke a truth I had not considered: “Refusing consent can trigger a man’s rage,” she said. And when rage enters the picture, real violence is more likely to occur.


Consent has been a leading topic of discussion in the wake of #MeToo, and on the face of it, the theory or practice of consent makes total sense. Before physical touching, physical flirting, or sexual behavior, a woman needs to give her consent or a man should not be acting. This “rule” gives the woman control over her own body and it portrays a respect between man and woman, no matter their level of intimacy. From office hugs to sexual intercourse, consent can be the golden answer. Teach men to get it before they act, and women will be empowered and protected.

Except, this woman at the seminar shined a light on the problem. For a woman, even consent isn’t a real protection against harassment. Consent does not necessarily mean desire; it doesn’t mean choice. Too often it is actually capitulation, and that means it doesn’t actually protect women from anything.

So, what does consent really mean? Can we build on the notion of consent and seek choice or desire by a woman, rather than mere permission? Or, does this notion create an even more slanted field with unintended consequences?

Visit for more information on what you can do to help end the scourge of workplace sexual harassment and other abuse against women while expanding the depth and vitality of your own life. Join us!

— Anthony Signorelli

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John Chow shares How To Keep Your Business Running When You’re On Vacation

My affiliate marketer friend John Chow runs his business while he is on vacation.

John Chow shares How To Keep Your Business Running When You’re On Vacation

You might want to know how to keep your business running while you are away and you are on vacation or perhaps you want to take a break, but don’t want to lose momentum.


John Chow is one of the most successful bloggers and affiliate marketers that I know. I met him in Cabo san Lucas Mexico at a Titanium Mastermind. He has been at this for much longer than I  have but I simply agree with his basic methods of creating long-term content with a blog, selling other people products via affiliate model, and recurring income methods and high-ticket back end products..

All makes sense to me.

How about YOU?

Let’s Connect and Collaborate!



The Travel Agency is Making a Huge Comeback

The travel agency was a business of the past, and is now making a huge comeback because Customer Service is essential from a consumer’s point of view.

The travel industry is one of the largest industries that I know of. Also, it fits nicely into the hospitality and tourism area and also entertainment which I have been involved with for many, many years.

Where will you go on your next vacation?

Travel is an industry that has been around for a very, very, very long time.  Think about it. We have been traveling since we walked out of the cave.

One of the interesting aspects of travel, is that the excitement happens before, during, and after the vacation.

A few years back, I joined a travel club called dream trips, and tried to market the business aspect of it.  Although their travel club membership had some really great deals in travel, it was difficult to sell memberships, usually because people are time broke and don’t have the time available to take multiple vacations.

I sometimes feel sorry for those people that work does 9 to 5 jobs.

In my personal travels, I have been to five different places in Brazil, many times to Jamaica, Mexico, Hawaii, England, Spain, Thailand and Bali. And recently Costa Rica.

If you are interested in travel, please list some of the places that you have visited in the comments below.

I am working on a project in Costa Rica. I am looking for people that might be interested in working with me on this project.

Let’s connect!


How to Promote a Product, Service or Cause on the Synergy Collaborative Network

MEMBERS of the Synergy Lifestyle Academy and/or the Synergy Collaborative are given access and are allowed to post on our Synergy Network of Social Media Platforms and Funnels to promote their products, services and projects. The leverage comes from the authentic human networking and strategic engagement with other members. You will learn how to promote a product or service.


NEWSLETTER EMAIL LIST (5,000+ and growing)

As a member of the Synergy Lifestyle Academy and/or the Synergy Collaborative, your products and projects will be included, mentioned and featured in our email marketing and promotions.



The Synergy Collaborative is a strategic network of Entrepreneurs and Business Owners that believe in “collaboration” and working together.


(aka MagicBradTV)

SynergyCafe is an online VIDEO SHOW, hosted by BRAD MagicBrad GUDIM. Entrepreneurs and business owners can share their talents and ideas, then recorded and propagated out to multiple social media platforms, blogs and websites.



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If you have any questions, comments of concerns you can contact me.

Let’s Connect!

BRAD MagicBrad GUDIM – Contact


Laws of Physics and the Ascension Business Model

This VIDEO is a demonstration of how the Laws of Physics when applied correctly will progressively accomplish greater and greater results, from a very simple initial task.

When this laws of physics method is applied into a Business Model and integrated into a System there can be AMAZING RESULTS from very little effort.

This can also be applied to Compounding Investments.

It’s a scientific FACT and it is THE LAW.

The power in this model comes from a progressive building of momentum, where it starts with very little effort and slowly gets to be more and more and MORE.

In sales, this starts with a simple opt-in or small entry purchase price like say, $9.97 and slowly adds product offerings and value with slight price increases so there is no “sticker shock”. These are sometimes referred to as Up Sells. We have all heard these at restaurants, like… “You want fries with that?”.

Want your business to ASCEND?

Watch the video again. You’ve got to admit that it is pretty impressive that a tiny little domino that needs to be handled with a tweezers can eventually topple a HUGE block weighing about 100 pounds.

That was with only 13 dominos.


One Penny Doubled Everyday for 30 Days is HOW MUCH?