Annalicia Niemela – Yoga and Pilates

Pilates and Yoga have become very popular in the world of fitness.

Do you think Pilates is the same as Yoga?

Annalicia Niemela has created a Yoga and Pilates Program with MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS.

As a Your True Power member, you’ll receive instant, unlimited, at-your-convenience access to all the yoga, Pilates, & stability ball workout videos within my extensive library. Workout videos range anywhere from 12 to 90 minutes and vary greatly in regards to intensity. So, from beginners to advanced fitness enthusiasts – I’ve got you covered.

New workout, informational, and guest videos are added each month. And, your membership comes with a ton of bonuses. Such as, 101 videos to help you learn the basics, at your desk workouts, yoga with your kids, and so much more!

Work with Annalicia Niemela

As usual, if you would like to be a guest on SynergyCafe, you can schedule a day and time by going to www.MagicBrad.TV

Event Marketing Consultant

 Golf Courses with Yoga Golf – PGA – Katherine Roberts

Synergy Cafe Online INTERVIEW with Darren Maxwell – Psychic Shaman

Who is Darren Maxwell and why is he called the Psychic Shaman?

Darren Maxwell is the Psychic Shaman and is based in Australia. He hosts multiple retreats, workshops and trainings in Bali.

Synergy Cafe Online INTERVIEW
with Darren Maxwell – Psychic Shaman

This was an AMAZING interview with a psychic shaman by the name of Darren Maxwell from Australia. He hosts retreats and workshops in Bali and Hawaii as well as in Australia. I’d love to get him over here to Asheville some day too.

He calls himself the “Modern Urban Shaman”.

Modern Urban Shamanism is a spiritual path and collective knowing that has grown out the human need to understand its surroundings, the environment it lives in and the more-than-human-others it shares the environment with. Modern Urban Shamanism is not bound by gender, race, culture, skin colour or ceremonial practice. No One shamanic practitioner holds the key to every answer. It is inclusive of the whole, no one and no thing is left out.
From the earth beneath our feet, to the stars clearly seen in the night sky, we are One, we are the System, we are Universal. The animals, the plants the insects and the earth are our kin. They are our soul mates! They create this experience of life with us. To believe that one is more or less important than the other is living in a fools paradise. From the first to the last, humans are living a united experience.



Dashama – Yoga Poses for Beginners

There are many Yoga Poses for Beginners and this VIDEO will only scratch the surface. If you think yoga poses for beginners are only for beginners then you are mistaken.

Dashama demonstrates these yoga poses for beginners with ease and with persistent practice you will soon be executing them with ease also.

30 days of yoga, meditation and healthy detox diet. Everyone can do yoga. It doesn’t matter if you are flexible yet. Watch this video.

Dashama is a transformational life coach and teaches private and group yoga classes in Santa Monica, Malibu, CA around the USA and internationally. (NOTE: Dashama also hosts Yoga Retreats in Costa Rica)

30 Day Yoga Challenge


Yoga is about connecting the mind, body and spirit. In Costa Rica, there are multiple Yoga Retreats and venues to escape the daily routine, to re-energize and refresh your being.

As a real estate investment, I am in the process of building an Event Center in Costa Rica and we will be hosting multiple types of events, such as Yoga Retreats, Tours, Vacations, Destination Weddings, Business Masterminds and Workshops.

I hope to meet you in person someday soon at a LIVE EVENT.

Event-fully yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM



Jillian Michaels – 6 Week Six-Pack Abs Workout

Jillian Michaels: 6 Week Six-Pack Abs Workout

Level 1 is a fierce fat-blasting abdominal workout that employs a sure-fire combination of core-focused cardio circuits and ab-toning exercises that target multiple muscle groups simultaneously to boost the metabolism, slim the waistline, and chisel rock-hard abs.

Forget boring sit-ups and prepare to sweat as America’s toughest trainer, Jillian Michaels takes you through this intense, ab-shredding workout that begins with a dynamic total-body warm-up, followed by 2 complete core-strengthening cardio circuits that will target every area of the abs before finishing up with a soothing, full-body stretch to maximize results. Learn how to shed fat and tone the entire body as you develop strong muscle and ripped definition. Sculpt and strengthen the arms, shoulders, chest, obliques, legs, butt, and back with this highly effective 35 minute workout from Jillian’s “6 Week Six-Pack” Fitness DVD that contains several key moves including lunges, burpees, twists, squats, crunches, supermans, planks, butt lifts, and mountain climbers that are crucial to shaping the sexy six-pack that you have always dreamed of. This workout is great for all skill levels however, beginners may choose to modify it by eliminating the weights. Work out with one of the world’s most famous trainers right from your own living room! Look and feel your best with Jillian as you craft a lean, sexy, and defined body in 6 weeks. Tune in to the BeFit Channel for new workouts uploaded daily and be sure to try our free 30-day “BeFit in 90” system.




Philomena Aceto – Female Depression – Womens Health

Women’s wellness is jeopardized by the massive amount of female depression.

Female speaker Philomena Aceto touches on topics of depression, domestic violence and abuse.

As women, we have many life roles. Mother, wife, employee, friend, healer, caregiver, and the list goes on. The complexity of all of these roles can cause ups and downs throughout life. Some of these mood changes may be due to life events (e.g., getting in an argument with a friend) or may be due to hormones (e.g., pregnancy, menstrual cycle). In general, after a few days, your emotions tend to level out and you don’t feel down in the dumps anymore. But, if you are suffering from depression, your “downs” don’t go away after a few days and may interfere with your daily life activities and relationships. This can be a debilitating cycle and can occur due to a number of causes. Symptoms can last weeks, months, or years and can be intermittent or a one-time occurrence.

Depression is almost twice as likely to affect women than men and tends to have different contributing causes in women than it does in men. Contributing factors include reproductive hormones, a differing female response to stress, and social pressures that are unique to a woman’s life experiences. Listed below are the different forms of depression most common in women.

Contact Philomena Aceto to speak at your next women’s event.

Philomena Aceto

I hope you enjoy my posts here.

If you have questions of would like clarification on the information that I put out, please feel free to contact me.

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM


Dane Findley – Bionic Oatmeal (recipe for a tighter waist)

Dane reveals how whole grains ( Bionic Oatmeal ) can sometimes be healthy and can help lean the midsection of the body — when they’re prepared in an optimal way.

Here is Dane’s recipe for bionic oatmeal. This video is from a post, How Eating Flour Can Devastate Your Youthful Appearance.

In today’s busy life of rushing to work, battling traffic, dealing with unpredicted people and many other challenges, it is always enjoyable to relax and take a few minutes to enjoy life.

How can we get ahead in life when everything is moving so rapidly? Before we had planes, trains and automobiles, we had to walk. Then technology presented us with more rapid transportation.

Very similarly, we can embrace systems to automate many other areas of our lives. Microwave ovens, iPhones, internet technology and also passive income streams to fill out bank accounts.

It’s possible. It’s not “easy”, but it IS possible.

Let’s Connect!

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM