Chiropractor Near Me | Did you know Chiropractic was discovered near Minneapolis, MN?

I learned from a chiropractor near me that chiropractic was discover near me.

Learn More from Dr. Derek!

In this interview with Dr. Derek Anderson of HealthSource Chiropractic on Minnetonka, we learned that the practice of chiropractic originated very close to Minneapolis, MN.


I learned that chiropractic originated in the United States. If fact, it originated very close to my home town of Minneapolis. It is just south of the border in Iowa.

I also learned what chiropractic is NOT. It is not a quick fix to all your pains and problems. It is important to go regularly as a maintenance practice. You should get adjusted regularly.

Chiropractors use hands-on spinal manipulation and other alternative treatments, the theory being that proper alignment of the body’s musculoskeletal structure, particularly the spine, will enable the body to heal itself without surgery or medication.

Although spinal manipulation can relieve certain types of back pain, neck pain, and other musculoskeletal symptoms, there is no scientific evidence that it can restore or maintain health. … If you are contemplating or receiving chiropractic care, it might help protect both your pocketbook and your health.

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM


Chiropractic Care in the Winter with Dr. Derek Anderson and MagicBrad