FORBES report that cost of college may be $334,000 in 4 years

When was the last time you looked at theĀ FORBES report for news on the cost of college today?

How can anyone afford to go to college these days?

How can anyone pay off a $334,000 loan. That’s a fairly nice size house.

I understand that a college education does have value. I get that. But to go over $300,000 in debt before you hit the income earning workforce, seems a little backwards to me.

Granted, a college graduate will have new knowledge. However in these days of the fast-paced always changing internet, is that knowledge still applicable in 5 years, or 3 years, or even 1 year from now.

In comparison, college may cost over $334,000 for a foundation of education.

Where MOBE (My Own Business Education) cost only $64,204 for ALL the basic foundation courses. And a whole lot of fun at the Live Mastermind Events too!

It all starts with a $49 investment into the 21 Step Course. There is no obligation to go any further, but when you experience the 21 Steps and learn from them, you may very well see the value in this online education and weight it against the traditional college education, and see the amazing potential of taking the quantum leap to earning a living online.


In Synergy,