We are building back Downtown Minneapolis business economy to thrive again!

Here’s how businesses in downtown Minneapolis will come back.

We all need to work together to bring more positive, happy and enjoyable activities into the cities. These activities need to be taken place day and night. Less alcoholic activity and more fun and festive activity.

The activities should be more family family and involve more community. I’m not talking about the party animal atmosphere. I’m talking about social savvy and kind activities that adults and children can enjoy. Somethings social.

SEE SynergySocials.com

These social activities will be endorsed, promoted and participated by the members of the Synergy Collaborative and other supporting Venues and Activities.

I could also see my Peace Police concept being implemented into the Minneapolis downtown and greater metropolitan areas.

For those of you that do not yet know, the Peace Police is a patrol group that is in surveillance of the Twin Cities greater metro.

What they do is reward people for kind gestures, as opposed to punishing for bad things. What they do is find people doing kind things and reward them with cash cards and prizes.

SEE SynergyCollaborative.com

If you would like to meet in person or talk over the phone, we can discuss more of these ideas to bring a more robust community to our cities.