Minnesota Event Planning Companies gather in Fridley, MN

I grew up in Fridley Minnesota. I actually spent the first 53 years of my life in the same house in Fridley. And now, I bought a house in Fridley and I am back living in Fridley Minnesota.

So then, why do I say that Minnesota Event Planners will gather in Fridley Minnesota?


I have chosen a event venue here in Fridley, to host the Minnesota Event Planners and Suppliers Expo. I originally started this tradeshow for the event industry at International Market Square in 1991. This was a long time ago. Way before Covid, and actually before the Internet was popular.

Fridley is located just north of interstate 694. Very close to Minneapolis.

SEE MinnesotaEventExpo.com

SPECIAL NOTE: Exhibit space at the Minnesota Event Expo is complementary to Synergy Collaborative Members.

SEE: SynergyCollaborative.com

With your membership in the Synergy Collaborative, you are eligible for complementary exhibit space, in addition to your 24 seven 365 online digital marketing benefits