Find Happiness in Everyday Life

Happiness is a state of mind.

Are you a happy person? Or do you feel sad, lonely, depressed and hopeless?

I believe that happiness comes from fulfillment. What are you craving? When that craving is fulfilled, you will feel happy.

Imagine a child wanting an ice cream cone, when they get the ice cream cone, they are happy. If they have too much ice cream, and feel sick they are no longer as happy. This is because they were not craving the feeling of sickness, but they got it from the ice cream.

Be careful what you wish for, because you will get it if you focus and concentrate and stay persistent on that goal. When you get it, if it’s something that you don’t truly want, you may become miserable.

How do you know what you want?

I stay happy, because I do not desire a lot from life. The one thing that I do want is recurring ongoing scalable income. I am currently experiencing recurring passive ongoing income, but my desire is the engagement of people. I want to work with other people to create passive automated income, so we can go out and enjoy life the way we choose.

One of my websites that provide me with recurring income is My Wealthy Affiliate Tribe where I promote marketing software for business owners.

One of these pieces of software is used to mail postcards, greeting cards and personalize gifts to the United States Postal Service. I called this software my magic marketing tool.