Is there still Hope for Humanity or is it Too Late?

Hope for Humanity!

We need to come together and unite on a global scale. Granted, our minds tend to think in a polarity or duality. Left right, up down, in out.

There are three main elements and issues that we need to address. Emotion, government and technology.

On an emotional level, people have become very mean and disrespectful. They are hiding behind their monitors and keyboards and insulting other fellow human beings. What makes matters worse, is some of these people that are victims of this hate and abuse, tend to start to believe the insults. People will start changing the way they naturally are, to please other people so they are no longer bullied.

On a governmental level, the people in our government are essentially clueless regarding technology. Technology is moving so rapidly, that any regulations or laws that are created and implemented, are obsolete before they are passed. The government is not able to move fast enough to create sufficient program to regulate or govern any of the technology.

The technology has become worshiped. People now go to google, to find information. And they believe what they read is the truth when it is very possible that information was created by someone that is misinformed.

So then, what is the solution?

In my opinion, the solution is stop listening with your brain, and start feeling with your heart. Learn to be kind to fellow human beings. Try to understand different points of view. Give and then receive.

In this video below I talk with my friend Bo Young and we discuss this challenge and seek for solutions to the problem to help humanity.

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