How to Make $100 per Day as a Teenage Boy with @rachelslee1

Do you want to learn how to make $100 per day?

The internet has made a huge impact on how we live our lives. Access to opportunity has been given to anyone that can get an internet connection. All you really need to make money online is a PayPal account and a creative resourceful mindset.

Ask Rachel S. Lee about how she is making money online.  

We are in a very interesting stage of all what you can’t to me. Little kids, that are literally teenagers, are making videos on YouTube, and monetizing their channels, and making more money than their parents.

How can this be?

The answer is simple. The Internet has created multiple systems that can be used by anyone with a smart phone that has a camera. If they can create a PayPal account, they can charge for the products and services and content that they create.

In fact, they do not even need to create their own original material. There is affiliate marketing, where a person can promote and sell other people’s products and services, and receive a percentage commission for doing so.

The challenge is getting traffic. And preferably highly qualified legitimate human beings.  This can be done with collaborative sharing and incentivized sharing.

The Synergy Lifestyle Academy, and the #SynergyCollaborative  operate under five basic lifestyle pillars.  These five pillars are, career, finances, relationships, spirituality and wellness.

We believe that these five pillars are key elements for a balanced and harmonious life style. When these five pillars are all harmoniously balanced, our life will tend to flow with effortless easy.

What is the Synergy Lifestyle Academy?

You too, can learn to make money online.

To make money  online, what you need to do is discover your passion and your interest. Once you have this topic defined, all you need to do is show your self experiencing your passion. When this happens other people that have the similar passion, will begin to follow you. If you have products and services available for purchase, once they know, like, trust and respect you, they will invest in your  knowledge and wisdom.

Yes, you too can make money online.