John Armstrong – Full Spectrum Coaching and Consulting


Helping you optimize your power, talents, relationships and capacity to fulfill your dreams and make your unique contribution to your world.

Showing you tools, techniques and inner maps that will help you transform self-sabotaging habits and disconnected causes into more vital relationships, purpose and meaning.

Would you like to …

  • Understand yourself and others more deeply?
  • Transform your good work and life into something great?
  • Live bravely and confidently from your deepest values guided by a strong inner council within you?

    My education programs offer safe, sacred and brave learning environments for you to discover access to untapped potentials within you which will empower you to act and accomplish more of your dreams.


Born in Madison, Wisconsin, I grew up navigating an upbringing filled with love, joy, adventure, crisis and tragedy.

The mix of these diverse events began my process of awakening, orientating and coordinating two simultaneously emerging worlds – the one around me and the one within me.

My story includes many gifted opportunities to receive guidance from family, friends, teachers, mentors and coaches.

I feel deeply blessed to have discovered a path and way of living that aims towards consciously and intentionally growing and serving both my emerging personhood and my community.


Call John at: 612-704-2878

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