Do the law of attraction physics prove anything?

In my opinion, yes the law of attraction physics prove that a theory works. At the very least, it gives some assurance that law of attraction actually works.

I would think we would all agree that if you give you will receive. The physics part is like a force and motion tends to stay in motion, and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Psychologically, if you give and give and give and give eventually you will receive out of guilt from the recipient. LOL

Study the law of attraction, and the law of reciprocation, and the secret.

In the video below I was talking with my friend Bo Young and we were discussing how important it is to be giving in a situation when a lot of people are struggling and feeling depressed.

We were talking about a piece of software that we both use called MailBoxPower. The software lets people use the United States Postal Service to send postcards, greeting cards and personalized gifts. The software has some features inside that allow for less building, automation and personalization with a print merge function. I call it my magic marketing tool because of these features.