The people and communities are alive and well in Minneapolis and business is thriving again.
A lot of people decided to start their own business and work from home, rather than being a wage slave in an office.
Many have excepted a change in career, increase their finance, developed new business relationships, and are taking on a spiritual practice or something in the area of health and wellness.
I have shifted my business into a membership subscription model with the Synergy The Collaborative so that I can continually promote my clients and customers online. And the event expo in March is available to them. Who knows if we will not be able to do it. But we will still be able to promote he’s a Event Professionals and business owners on the Internet.
I am currently focused on the Meetings, Conventions and Special and Events a Industry, but I am open to other business types as well. All businesses need marketing and promotion, and live events and activities are one of the best ways to meet connect and do business with other people.
I build a website calendar for Twin Cities Business Events to be posted so that we can easily find an access these events.