Philomena Aceto – Female Depression – Womens Health

Women’s wellness is jeopardized by the massive amount of female depression.

Female speaker Philomena Aceto touches on topics of depression, domestic violence and abuse.

As women, we have many life roles. Mother, wife, employee, friend, healer, caregiver, and the list goes on. The complexity of all of these roles can cause ups and downs throughout life. Some of these mood changes may be due to life events (e.g., getting in an argument with a friend) or may be due to hormones (e.g., pregnancy, menstrual cycle). In general, after a few days, your emotions tend to level out and you don’t feel down in the dumps anymore. But, if you are suffering from depression, your “downs” don’t go away after a few days and may interfere with your daily life activities and relationships. This can be a debilitating cycle and can occur due to a number of causes. Symptoms can last weeks, months, or years and can be intermittent or a one-time occurrence.

Depression is almost twice as likely to affect women than men and tends to have different contributing causes in women than it does in men. Contributing factors include reproductive hormones, a differing female response to stress, and social pressures that are unique to a woman’s life experiences. Listed below are the different forms of depression most common in women.

Contact Philomena Aceto to speak at your next women’s event.

Philomena Aceto

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BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM