Real Estate Investing is NOT fixing up houses and selling them!

Investing in real estate, is not (necessarily) about fixing up houses and selling them.

Yes, you certainly can make money by buying old rundown houses, and then working your ass off to make them better, and then trying to sell them at a profit.

But that is not the only way to make money in the real estate industry.

In fact, you can make money in real estate, by never picking up a hammer, and never even signing a contract.

Here are a few ideas to get your brain to work in a different way.

If you have some money to invest, you can invest in a real estate investment trust portfolio. REITS is essentially an investment in real estate. This is residential and commercial. The properties can be shopping malls, strip malls, retirement homes, vacation homes, hotels, condominiums, apartment complexes, and even storage lockers.

Granted, this type of investment will require some capital that you need to invest.

If you are broker, here is another way you can invest your time in the real estate world.

If you do not have money to invest, perhaps you have some time. You can spend your time promoting other peoples products and services and earn a commission when people buy their product or service. This is called affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing, is simply being the middleman between a product and a prospect.

People that are in the real estate business, are in business, and need to do marketing to find leads and make sales. The way you can earn money from the real estate industry, is selling these software platforms to these real estate professionals so they can run their business more efficiently.

I have some of these tools available on my other website for affiliate marketing.



AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: I need to let you know that there are affiliate links on this website, and if you decide to purchase a product or service from these affiliate links, I will earn a commission. This is how I make money on the Internet. Thank you for your support.