Robert Kiyosaki – Cash Flow Quadrant

Robert Kiyosaki – CASH FLOW QUADRANT

E = Employee

B = Business Owner

S = Self-Employed

I = Investor

The Cash Flow Quadrant concept in and of itself is valuable to understand. The basics are pretty simple. It is the cross over and application of the concepts into our everyday lives that make the real difference in whether we have TIME to enjoy our lives, or we are just bizzy being bizzy.

Take for example, the MLM or Network Marketing industry. The industry in general, expresses the ability for leveraged income and time freedom, when in REALITY, the leaders are constantly on the phone and presenting at meetings and conventions. I would not call this “time-freedom”, unless of course the individual THRIVES from being bizzy and on stage most of their lives.

Personally, I enjoy being spontaneous and living a casual lifestyle with minimal commitments and having the abiity to do what I want, when I want, if I want.

BRAD ‘MagicBrad’ GUDIM