Some thing I have not done since I was a very young child, is considering painting and learning watercolor painting techniques for something new to do.
My interest in watercolor painting specifically is the cleanup process. I would not want to get into things that required those toxic solvents. Plain water seems to be so much easier.
I’m not really sure why I have an interest in this, other than I am open to whatever happens. I am wondering what subject I would get into painting. And then I thought maybe it would be classic magic effects.
- Cups and balls
- Linking rings
- Coin magic
- Cards Magic
- Rope magic
- etc.
Perhaps also the classic illusions like levitation‘s, zigzag illusion, cutting a lady at half also known as the sawing a lady in half.
I do not know that I would want to do peoples faces, because I know that that can be a challenge. But who knows maybe I am a natural born artist.
Do you have any experience in watercolor painting? Perhaps you wanna give me some tips.